The dishwasher vampire smile campaign length
The dishwasher vampire smile campaign length

  • Alien Geometries: Homer and Marge's bedroom's orientation changes often.
  • the dishwasher vampire smile campaign length

    Among the video titles mentioned are "Alien Autopsy" and "Illegal Alien Autopsy". Alien Autopsy Video: The episode "Worst Episode Ever" sees Bart and Milhouse uncover a secret room in Comic Book Guy's shop which houses a secret stash of bootleg videos and other illegal video clips.Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: displayed often by Homer (and sometimes Barney).In-show example: At the end of the power plant commercial, Mr.Alan Smithee: "The Simpsons 138th Spectacular" was directed by David Silverman under the pseudonym "Pound Foolish".Acronym Confusion: One Running Gag example of the "sharing an initialism" variety.He also performed ninja-like feats of acrobatics while practicing killing snakes for Whacking Day.Then again, one flashback shows him to be a very talented gymnast in high school.This is rather odd, since Homer has often been shown out of breath from even the simplest movements (like running only a few feet in "The Springfield Connection" and "New Kids on the Blecch"). Acrofatic: Homer in "Sex, Pies, and Idiot Scrapes," who does complex acrobatics to escape Ned.Naturally, said girl mistakes it for something else and soon you see an angry mob outside Homer's house. Accidental Pervert: When Homer sees a candy stuck to the rear of a college girl's pants, he rips the candy off, drooling while he does it.

    the dishwasher vampire smile campaign length

    Accidental Athlete: Several examples, most notably Lisa as goalie and Bart as a danseur.Accidental Art: In "Mom and Pop Art," Homer's failed attempt at making a backyard grill is discovered by an art critic, who thinks it's art.

    the dishwasher vampire smile campaign length

    Absurdly Ineffective Barricade: On the episode where there was a hurricane coming, Homer removed the back door of the house and then nailed it diagonally over the now-exposed doorway, leaving a big gap at the top & bottom of the doorway.(Burns looks up) I-in those colors!" (after Burns walks away) "Oh, who am I kidding? The boathouse was the time!" Aborted Declaration of Love: Smithers, to Mr.PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.

    the dishwasher vampire smile campaign length

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  • The dishwasher vampire smile campaign length